Convert Fanuc karel timestamp to string

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黄杰, 2018-06-14

Preface: try to write this topic in english.

Let' say we have a string 2018-06-14 11:32:07 which stores current time.

Unix timestamp

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> x = datetime(2018, 6, 14, 11, 32, 7)
>>> import time
>>> time.mktime(x.timetuple())

We got the unix-timestamp representation: 1528947127.

Fanuc Karel timestamp

Karel timestamp is not the same as unix's. The same time 2018-06-14 11:32:07 is 1288592391 in fanuc karel.

And the built-in function CNV_TIME_STR will convert time to 14-JUN-18 11:32 form (no seconds), that is why I need to implement it on my own.

Note: 2018 = 1980 (year starts from 1980 in karel) + 38

--> 38 = 0b0100110
--> 6  = 0b0110
--> 14 = 0b01110
--> 11 = 0b01011
--> 32 = 0b100000
--> 7  = 0b00111

so the binary form of 1288592391 is 0100,1100,1100,1110,0101,1100,0000,0111. The definition:

0100110,0110,01110 --> year(7),month(4),day(5)
01011,100000,00111 --> hour(5),minute(6),second(5)

We can use mask and shift to extract year, month, ... Karel has no SHIFT operator, so use DIV to right shift. I made a table below.

|  field  |            mask            |        shift         |
| year    | -                          | >> 25 (DIV 33554432) |
| month   | 0x01e00000 (AND 31457280)  | >> 21 (DIV 2097152)  |
| day     | 0x001f0000 (AND 2031616)   | >> 16 (DIV 65536)    |
| hour    | 0x0000f800 (AND 63488)     | >> 11 (DIV 2048)     |
| minute  | 0x000007e0 (AND 2016)      | >> 5  (DIV 32)       |
| second  | 0x0000001f (AND 31)        | -                    |

Karel code:

ROUTINE now2str_
    sec: INTEGER
    y, mo, d, h, mi, s: INTEGER
    y = sec DIV 33554432 + 1980
    mo = sec AND 31457280 DIV 2097152
    d = sec AND 2031616 DIV 65536
    h = sec AND 63488 DIV 2048
    mi = sec AND 2016 DIV 32
    s = sec AND 31

        y, '-', mo, '-', d, ' ', &
        h, ':', mi, ':', s, CR &
END now2str_

Feel free to use code above, modify them to suit your scenario.