黄杰, 2012-04-25
UPDATE:见 http://blog.linuxsand.info/using-pelican-to-staticize-blog.html
- blog.py # 主程序
- templates/ # 模板目录
- base.html # 父模板
- index.html # 列表页面模板
- view.html # 文章详情页模板
- web/ # web.py
- markdown/ # markdown
贴一下 blog.py。
# coding: utf-8
import web
import urllib2
from markdown import markdown
urls = (
'/', 'Index',
'/(.+)', 'View',
render = web.template.render('templates/', base='base')
app = web.application(urls, globals())
d_prefix = 'http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60841531/blog/'
### uncomment it if testing at localhost
# d_prefix = 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Dropbox\\Public\\blog\\'
index_txt = d_prefix + 'index.txt'
def open_(txt):
return open(txt)
### comment it if testing at localhost
open_ = urllib2.urlopen
def get_and_render_content(lines):
title = lines[0].replace('title:', '').strip()
date = lines[1].replace('date:', '').strip()
text = markdown(''.join(lines[4:]).decode('utf8')).encode('utf8')
return render.view(title, date, text)
# ugly function to avoid processing in template
def process_list(alist):
all_ = [line.split('|') for line in alist]
months = [i[0].strip()[:-3] for i in all_] # '2012-04'
sset = sorted(set(months))
counts = [months.count(i) for i in sset]
container = []
for i, j in zip(sset, counts):
x = months.index(i) # 0
y = range(x, x+j) # range(0, 4)
container.append([i, y])
return container
class Index:
def GET(self):
index_list = open_(index_txt).readlines()
# don't have to pass `index_list`, lazy...
return render.index("linuxsand's blog", process_list(index_list), index_list)
class View:
url_dict = {}
for i in open_(index_txt):
key = i.split('|')[1].strip()[1:]
value = i.split('|')[3].strip()
# uncomment it if testing at localhost
# value = i.split('|')[2].strip().decode('utf8')
url_dict[key] = value
def GET(self, slug):
content = open_(d_prefix + self.url_dict[slug]).readlines()
return get_and_render_content(content)
except KeyError:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# app.run()
定义外观样式花的时间倒不比实现功能少。我直接把 CSS 写在其中了,可读性差。所以模板文件不贴了。
只一个 __update__.py 文件,反正是在本地运行,怎么方便怎么写。
import os, sys
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import urllib
def generate_index(dir):
lines = []
for i in os.listdir(dir):
if fnmatch(i, '*.md'):
f = open(dir + i)
filename = f.readline().replace('title:', '').strip() + '.md'
date = f.readline().replace('date:', '').strip()
slug = '/%s.html' % (f.readline().replace('slug:', '').strip())
url = urllib.quote(filename)
lines.append('%s | %s | %s | %s \n' % (date, slug, filename, url))
return lines
dir_ = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Dropbox/Public/blog/'
lines = generate_index(dir_)
with open('index.txt', 'w') as f:
sitemap = ['http://blog.linuxsand.info' + i.split('|')[1].strip() + '\n' for i in lines]
with open('sitemap.txt', 'w') as s:
# os.system('python __atom__.py')
P.S. 迁移过来的一个小小的好处是不需在写完后到 Calepin.co 首页去点击 Publish 了。保持简单。